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Departments and Programs » Student Transportation » Non Public Transportation Information

Non Public Transportation Information

  • The law (NJ 18A:39-1.8) requires all public school districts to offer either transportation or what is known as “Aid in Lieu of Transportation’’ to students who attend a non-profit school within 2 to 20 miles (for elementary and middle schools) or 2.5 to 20 miles (for high schools) from their Secaucus home. The student must meet the age requirement of their resident district and be enrolled in grades kindergarten through 12 in their non-public school.

    We accomplish this in a number of ways, including:
    • Utilizing district buses and drivers to accomplish these bus routes;
    • Contracting out the routes to a private contractor or educational services commission; or
    • Entering into a jointure with another district to have its resident students join another bus run being managed by another district.

    If the options above cannot be accomplished within the specific cost established each year by the Department of Education ($1,177 per student), then the district must offer the students “Aid in Lieu” of transportation (AIL).

    • Maximum amount is $1,177per student (new amount set by State of New Jersey)
    • Parents receive AIL only if students are eligible for transportation and the district is unable to provide it another way for the state-designated amount.
    • AIL is simply an alternate way of providing the transportation itself. Therefore, if students are not eligible for one, they are not eligible for the other.
Are You Looking to Apply for Non-Public Transportation for the 2025/26 School Year - Please read:
  • Parents or legal guardians complete the application for non-public school transportation (B6T) and submit it to the non-public administrator by March 10, 2025 for the upcoming school year.  Late applications are defined as those received after the March 10, 2025 deadline.  6A:27-2.5(b)  
  • Non-public administrators submit transportation forms to the students' resident district boards of education by the deadline of March 15, 2025 of the school year preceding the one for which transportation is requested within 30 days of the students' registration in the non-public school.  6A:27-2.4(c)
  • May 2025 - District board of education submits transportation summary to the non-public school administrator for certification of the non-public school students currently receiving transportation/AIL for the second semester. 6A:27-2.3(c)
  • No later than May 15, 2025, non-public school administrator submits the school calendar to the resident district board of education.  6A:27-2.4(d)
  • In a timely manner to notify parents by the August 1, 2025 deadline.  District prepares school routes and determines method of transportation (district owned, contracted, CTSA, joint transportation agreements, etc.) using criteria specified in 6A:27-2.1(b)3 and after consultation with non-public schools.
  • August 1, 2025 - District notifies parents and non-public school administrator as to the determination of each application for non-public school transportation.  18A:39-11.1(c)2 and 6A:27-2.3(b)
  • September 2025 - Non-public school administrators review any transportation problems experienced by their respective schools for the upcoming 2025/26 school year.
Forms and Links
Question or concerns?  Email us at [email protected]