Starting in March 2025, Google Workspace for Education will require that schools now obtain parent or guardian consent for any Additional Google Services (Applications) they allow students under the age of 18 to use.
In addition to our standard Network and Core Google For Education Services, we allow students with parent/guardian permission to access these Additional Services with their Google Workspace for Education accounts based on grade level. These Additional Services are for supplementary educational purposes and their use is bound to the Acceptable Use Policies for the Secaucus School District
Elementary: Middle/High
Applied Digital Skills Applied Digital Skills
Chrome Web Store Chrome Web Store
CS First CS First
Google Arts and Culture Google Arts and Culture
Google Books Google Books
Google Earth Google Earth
Google Maps Google Groups
Google My Maps Google Maps
Google News Google My Maps
Google Photos Google News
Google Translate Google Photos
Managed Google Play Google Play Console
Third-Party App Backups Google Translate
Youtube Managed Google Play
Third-Party App Backups
Each service has been reviewed to ensure that they align with the SBOE Learning Model.
Applied Digital Skills
Applied Digital Skills teaches digital literacy, practical life and job skills using Google tools. Topics include - Research and Develop a Topic, Plan and Budget, Online Safety and Digital Well-Being, Create a Presentation, Create a Resume, Create a Digital Scrapbook - and many more.
Applied Digital Skills Terms of Service
Chrome Web Store
CS First
CS First is a free computer science curriculum that makes coding fun to learn for students and easy to teach, even for teachers who aren't tech experts.
CS First Terms of Service
Google Arts and Culture
Google Arts & Culture features content from over 2000 leading museums and archives. Google Arts & Culture works with cultural institutions and artists around the world. Together, our mission is to preserve and bring the world’s art and culture online so it’s accessible to anyone, anywhere.
Google Arts & Culture Terms of Service
Google Books
Search the full text of books. On Google Books, you can read books and magazines, download them, cite them, and translate them. Some books are provided by publishers, while others are scanned as part of the Library Project.
Google Books Terms of Service
Google Earth
Google Earth allows students to travel the world and explore new places with satellite imagery, 3D terrain and 360˚ Street View perspectives.
Google Earth Terms of Service
Google Groups
Google Maps
Google Maps is a web mapping service that students would be able to use to search, explore, and find their way around the world.
Google Maps Terms of Service
Google My Maps
Google My Maps allows students to create, collaborate, and share custom maps.
Google My Maps Terms of Service
Google News
Google News gives you comprehensive, up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over the world.
Google News Terms of Service
Google Photos
Google Play Console
Google Translate
Google Translate instantly translate words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
Google Translate Terms of Service
Managed Google Play
Third Party Backup
Youtube Terms of Service
YouTube Restrictions for Students in Primary or Secondary Institutions