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Departments and Programs » Student Transportation » Special Education Transportation

Special Education Transportation



  • Bus aides will assist students on and off the bus, but it is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to bring the student to and from the bus.
  • Bus drivers do NOT take special requests from parents to change bus stops.
  • Students will not be taken to alternate drop off points on alternate days.
  • Any changes in pick-up or drop-off points may take from three to five school days to go into effect.
  • Special Education routes change constantly and students are added throughout the school year. Therefore, bus pick-up and drop-off times are subject to change.

When your child misses the bus:

Going to School
  • Buses are required to wait NO MORE THAN three (3) minutes in front of the student’s home before continuing on their route.
  • Drivers are instructed not to blow the horn (due to complaints from neighbors.)  Please make sure your child is ready when the bus arrives.
  • Please make sure your child is ready and waiting for the bus at least ten (10) minutes prior to the scheduled pick up time.
  • If your child misses the bus, it is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to bring the child to school.
After School
  • In the event that a parent or guardian is not home waiting for the student, the student will be transported back to school.
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to pick up the child from school if this occurs.