What is the 1-to-1 Program?
Why are all students in Grades 3-12 required to use a District Chromebook? What are the benefits?
Why can't students bring their own device to school?
What about devices for students in grades K - 2?
How can a parent ensure these Chromebooks aren't contributing to too much screen time for students?
How can a parent ensure that their child is practicing safe internet browsing?
All computers/devices on the district’s network and off are subject to the web filter. As Chromebooks travel home with students, there is programming on the devices that forces use of the district’s filter (Aristotle Student) when not on the district’s network.
If you have questions on how to take control of the technology in your kids’ lives, we recommend Common Sense Media’s ‘Parent Concerns’ web resources
Parents/guardians are also key partners in monitoring and keeping students safe online.
What if the student doesn't have wireless access at home?
Why do some student's chromebooks may appear to be a different model then others?